Feed mollasses BioAccel - 1 Aquaculture
Feed mollasses BioAccel - 7

Feed mollasses BioAccel

feed dietary supplement
BioAccel is a product of deep soybean processing, a source of non-reducing sugars, low molecular weight proteins, minerals, produced according to the patented innovative “green” technology Partner-M, which has a high proven efficiency in agricultural sectors.
Product in stock, price upon request
Lot from 300 kg
Feed mollasses BioAccel - 8


  • stimulates the growth of lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria up to a concentration of 10* 8-10 * 9 CFU/ml, increasing the nonspecific resistance of the organism and reducing the cost of veterinary treatment and the use of immunomodulators
  • contains non-reducing sugars that prevent nutritional metabolic diseases, reducing culling
  • contributes to an increase in milk productivity up to 5-10% and feed consumption, increasing the profitability of production
Delivery within Russia and the CIS - 9
Delivery within Russia and the CIS
A well-developed distribution network allows you to deliver products as soon as possible
We will reduce your cost - 10
We will reduce your cost
We will make it so that you can put the price on the shelf cheaper than competitors
Experience, knowledge - 11
Experience, knowledge
Our specialists - doctors and candidates of science, daily improve products and help customers in production
We can do everything - 12
We can do everything
We will change the characteristics of the product to suit your needs