Pea TVP Protex-A 25/4 - 1 Meat
Textured flour
Pea TVP Protex-A 25/4 - 6

Pea TVP Protex-A 25/4

pea textured flour
Protex-A 25/4 is a pea texturate with protein content of no less than 23% made from Russian yellow peas.
Product in stock, price upon request
Lot from 1000 kg
Pea TVP Protex-A 25/4 - 7


  • alternative to soy or wheat texturate
  • doesn’t contain soy or wheat, hypoallergenic
  • protein content no less than 23%
  • hydration degree — 1:3-4
  • hydration rate — 15-20 мин (t= +2-4°С)
  • made from Russian non GMO yellow pea
  • low glycemic index
  • lack of pronounced legumes aftertaste
  • rich on vitamins, minerals, contain valuable amino acids


  • meat and fish semifinished foods
  • plant-based meat and fish alternatives
Delivery within Russia and the CIS - 8
Delivery within Russia and the CIS
A well-developed distribution network allows you to deliver products as soon as possible
We will reduce your cost - 9
We will reduce your cost
We will make it so that you can put the price on the shelf cheaper than competitors
Experience, knowledge - 10
Experience, knowledge
Our specialists - doctors and candidates of science, daily improve products and help customers in production
We can do everything - 11
We can do everything
We will change the characteristics of the product to suit your needs
